Weight loss: Snacking on this item before bed can help you lose weight faster

WEIGHT LOSS can be made easier, according to a new study, by choosing to snack on one particular food item before bed which has been found to speed up the metabolism.

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Losing weight can be difficult with conflicting advice and different methods according to experts and scientists. From what times to eat to lose weight, to what foods to eat, it can be difficult to find what works, as it is dependant on each person.

One common tip given by experts is to avoid eating before bed to aid weight loss.

A new study, however, has suggested eating one particular food before bed could speed up the metabolism.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found eating cottage cheese could aid weight loss.

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The study was carried out by Florida State University, who examined ten active women in their 20s.

Before they went to bed, they were given 30g (approximately two tablespoons) of cottage cheese between 30 and 60 minutes before bed, or two hours after they ate dinner.

They then measured their resetting energy and the energy they burned while asleep.

In the morning, they found something rather unusual in the women.

When waking up between 5am and 8am, they found the women had improved their metabolic rate and muscle recovery.

Weight loss: Cottage cheese snack

Weight loss: Snack on one food before bed to help lose the pounds (Image: Getty)

Weight loss: Cottage cheese snack

Weight loss: Cottage cheese can speed up the metabolism, according to a new study (Image: Getty)

These data suggest the metabolic response from whole-food protein do not differ from the metabolic response of liquid protein

Professor Ormsbee

This is because cottage cheese contains something called casein - a protein that helps to build muscle and is often found in protein shakes.

The study found cottage cheese was just as successful than if a casein shake was drunk before bed, and weight wasn't gained.

As it is high in protein and healthy fats, it is also a good option for low carb diets plans.

Professor Ormsbee who conducted the study said: "These data suggest the metabolic response from whole-food protein do not differ from the metabolic response of liquid protein."

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Weight loss: Cottage cheese snack

Weight loss: Eating 30g before bed is recommended to lose weight (Image: Getty)

Research contribute and US Air Force dietitian Samantha Leyh added: "While protein supplements absolutely have their place, it is important to begin pooling data for foods and understanding the role they can play in these situations.

"Like the additive and synergistic effects of vitamins and minerals when consumed in whole food form such as fruits or veggies, perhaps whole food sources may follow suit."

Cottage cheese can also be good for high blood pressure, thanks to being a lower-fat cheese.

The recommended amount of dairy per day is three 30g portions, but not just in cheese.

This should also contain other forms of dairy such as milk and yoghurt in a balanced diet.